Bar mops grade C (TXW-Z2020)
by WipeCo
Sometimes the functionality is more important than beauty. Our C grade terry towel wipers offer all the cleaning power of our better grades, without their associated cost. The power of terry towels lies in the cotton loop construction which provides more surface area in which to absorb liquids and trap dirt and debris. What makes a terry towel a Grade C towel? Grade C terry towels are new terry towels which have some of the following characteristics: More prominent defects: thread pulls, over stitching, small stains, variance in optical whiteness Greater variation in towel dimension or finished weight Tip: Our Grade C terry towels will help your organization save money when compared to similar Grade A or B terry towel programs. Washing and drying terry towels before initial use will open up the towel’s fiber and remove lint. Industrial grade terry towels are made with lower quality grades of cotton yarn and it is normal to experience some shrinkage in towel size.